Type and size
Printing by type or size causes the product to pull from the tray that is loaded with the correct type
and size of paper.
Selecting paper by type rather than source helps protect special paper from accidental use.
Using the wrong setting might result in unsatisfactory print quality. Always print by type for special
print media, such as labels or transparencies.
Print by type or size for envelopes, if possible.
To print by type or size, select the type or size from the Page Setup dialog box, the Print
dialog box, the Preferences dialog box, or the Print Properties dialog box, depending on
the software program.
If you often print on a certain type or size of paper, configure a tray for that type or size. Then,
when you select that type or size as you print a job, the product automatically pulls paper from the
tray that is configured for that type or size.
Chapter 6 Paper and print media